Road Trip

One of the best things about going on vacation is the ride to and from our destination. Instead of riding on the wide open interstate, it’s really enjoyable riding the roads less traveled through actual towns.

Every town has something interesting to see. On our trip to St. Mary’s in November, I took note of the various murials painted on the side of buildings. My favorite was one in Helena. It displayed the American Flag, a purple heart medal, and a safety patrolman. The bold colors caught my eye, but the pride and honor it represented won me over.

On previous trips, my eyes have been open to find the various old churches. I love seeing old churches. This trip, I chose to be on the lookout for water towers. Some are painted up fancy, and some just name the town you are in. These water towers serve their communities of many people. I would love to be on top of the water tower and look out over the town.

On this trip, we saw many fields filled with cotton bales. This country girl loves seeing planted fields, irrigations systems, cotton bales, hay bales, and definitely some livestock. But on this trip an old building in Helena captured my attention. It was absolutely beautiful. I took a picture of it and posted it on a site on Facebook called Historic Hidden Georgia. So many people liked the picture and through the many comments I found out it used to be a hotel. Someone is currently in the process of renovating it, so I can’t wait to take this route in a year or so to see the progress.

Where “doodlebug” and “I spy” are old kid games for travel, my game is to see as much of God’s beauty along with the creations of mankind like bridges, artworks, and buildings. Don’t sleep on your next road trip. Check out all the neat views you can.

The one in the middle was my favorite!
Water towers!

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